We have been so busy catching up with family that I haven't posted on here. After leaving Arkansas and a great time with Uncle Ron, we headed west on I-40 toward Oklahoma City, OK! Our first stop was Lake Eufala State Park in OK. During this time of year, it is very easy to find some of the "best" campsites in many state and national parks. All the kids have gone back to school, vacations are over and only the "oldie-goldies" are on the road...well, mostly the "oldie-goldies"!! Our site was right on the lake with a beautiful view.

Our site at Lake Eufala State Park |

Sunset on the lake |
Huge knot on a tree at our campsite
We only spent one night at Lake Eufala because we were anxious to get to Oklahoma City where we were going to see my Cousin Jan. It had been over 40 years since we had seen her. She was a cute little 13-year-old with braces back then. We had gone to Texas to visit my grandparents and Jan was visiting also. She fell in love with little Beth...wish I had a picture of them together to post!!! Wouldn't that be something, Jan!!!
We were able to find a spot at Tinker Air Force Famcamp for our stay..not the most glamorous Famcamp, but very convenient, not to mention inexpensive! Most of the Famcamps are reasonable so that the military people can afford some rest & recreation...don't get me started about CALIFORNIA Famcamps though!!
Tinker AFB FamCamp |
After settling in, heading to the commissary for much needed groceries and a night of rest, we met Jan Wednesday evening at the front gate for our start of a wonderful, fantastic time of catching up! The next day we spent sight-seeing while Jan worked and then met her for supper at Chelino's Mexican Restaurant in Bricktown. THAT was a great meal! Friday was a day of rest for us (you can wear yourself out trying to get 40 years of catching up done! lol) and then Friday night we went over to Jan's to see her beautiful home and out for great pizza at Hideaway Pizza...she sure knows good places to eat!
Don't know what Max said, but it must have been good! |
What fun catching up! |
Jan fighting the wind coming to Chelino's
Nurse Jan fixing my eye!! lol
We talked and talked and then talked some more!!! I learned so much about Jan's life since that week in Texas so many years ago and I tried my best to let her know all about our family, Janice's family and Susan's family! Poor Max got an "earful"! Thanks, Jan, for such a good time!
Later, I will post comments and pictures of our sightseeing trip . . . there is just not enough room or time for both family AND sightseeing here! Guess that shows how long-winded I am!!
Actually, I think I may have that picture at home. If I can find it I'll scan it and send it to you. Glad y'all had fun!